Wednesday, March 30, 2011

All is well in the land of Bears

Preproduction is underway for the first official release. We're nailing the tunes down and naming them, and tracking should begin sometime next week. Needless to say, we're very excited. This project is at least 3 years in the making, and it'll be nice to have something other than my choppy homemade demos on our Bandcamp page. I think I'm going to take those down soon, just to build suspense. I'll be programming drums and tracking direct signals first, in that order. I think if all goes well, we should have it out by this summer.

I've been contemplating doing a live gig with programmed drums. I wonder how it would go. Guess there's only one way to find out. Perhaps for an EP release party? We shall see...

Stay tuned..


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We got together (finally) last night and discussed our plans for our upcoming EP. I'm really looking forward to this undertaking for a lot of reasons. The primary being that we can finally stop tweaking these tunes. The downside of having constant access and unlimited time to your music is the second guessing and tweaks that you put in anytime you have a whim. You have to walk a fine line on this, but I think it's better to just go with it if it feels right, and don't look back. In any event, things are finally going to get interesting...


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Untitled Redux...

Man, Superior Drummer is ruling my world. I've spent the past 2 weekends in drum world and have loved every second. Check out the re-do of "Untitled" and listen to all the fun I am having. The real challenge is getting the hits to sound natural, which I think I have nailed. A re-do of "The Overlook" is on the way. Matt is coming today and we are going to re-track him with his new polished up bass fiddle. Keep in mind, these are all demos for now, and a more expansive EP will come soon. I want to use better preamps, as well as get into micing cabs, and of course, mixing the drums properly. These are just stereo mixes of drums with a little compression and reverb, but mostly straight out of superior drummer. Hope you enjoy! Until next time...

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's on...

Well, I'm back from one of America's greatest parties, and a good time was had by all. This weekend, I plan to write some, and hopefully get things moving. Matt said he got his bass back from the shop and it sounds awesome. I can't wait to hear it for myself. If you haven't already, "Like" us on Facebook with the link to the right-->

Stay tuned...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Take care, brush your hair...

I leave tomorrow morning for New Orleans. Food and drink aplenty await my arrival, not to mention Mardi Gras. I'm hoping to draw some musical inspiration from all the live jazz I'll be hearing in the coming days. I've never been there, so I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed with all the new sights and sounds that I usually only get on the Travel Channel. I only started to get excited for the trip this week, so at this point, the final hurdle is the actual travel. God damn I hate flying. Not from fear, more from pure hatred of 99% of humans. Rudeness, obnoxiousness, being herded like cattle from one area to the next, it all gets to me. My wife says that my mute button needs work, I wholeheartedly agree. Enough of the bitch fest...

I listened to Deftones' "Diamond Eyes" for probably the billionth time this morning. Holy shit, that's a great record. Probably the best heavy record of 2010, but who knows, I didn't listen to them all. I think I love everything about that band. Stephen Carpenter is kind of the man when it comes to that ambient-shoegaze metal sound. I can't think of anyone who creates textures like that guy. I'm looking forward to Rival Schools' new one, out next week. I've also had Cloudkicker's "Beacons" in heavy rotation for over 2 months thanks to Derek from National Sunday Law and Graviton.

I'm outta here...til next week....


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Productivity, or lack thereof....

Didn't get anything done last night. Matt finally took his bass in the shop, thank god. The thing has needed a setup as long as I've known him. The bright side is that I will get to re-track all his stuff and make the tracks anew. Going to lose about a week of productivity, since I'll be out of town. When I get back, it's full throttle, no more fuckin' around. I want to have a completed EP on our bandcamp page by the end of the summer. A lofty goal to say the least, considering the pace has been the exact opposite of feverish to date. Nonetheless, I'm going to make a serious go at it, hopefully with a little help from some friends...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello and welcome

Well, it's 2011 and we've been at this thing slowly for a few years already. Amazing how time can fly. The idea behind this project has always been take our time and let it come naturally. We ride the creative waves as they come, and sometimes they don't come for months. We're ok with it. Honestly, nobody is out there clamoring for a 2-bass player project to light the world on fire. We've both been in bands with set schedules, and wanted to break from that process altogether. It's hard to come up with cool shit in a 3-hour block at a rehearsal studio on a set day. The downside to this philosophy is that your chops are not as sharp, and it becomes easy to be complacent and lazy. To that, I say no more.

I got a copy of Toontrack's Superior Drummer program, and it has re-lit the fire under our asses. Well, that and a string of personal bullshit that has since been laid to rest. I have been slowly sharpening my MIDI skills, and programming up a storm. You can hear the newest track on our sounds page. It still has yet to be mixed, and there will be adjustments along the way, but overall, it's a good starting point. My hope is to post the songs as they progress, sort of like an experiment in the evolution of our tracks.

I will be posting a gear list and everything like that here, so if interested, please subscribe. Until then....
