Well, it's 2011 and we've been at this thing slowly for a few years already. Amazing how time can fly. The idea behind this project has always been take our time and let it come naturally. We ride the creative waves as they come, and sometimes they don't come for months. We're ok with it. Honestly, nobody is out there clamoring for a 2-bass player project to light the world on fire. We've both been in bands with set schedules, and wanted to break from that process altogether. It's hard to come up with cool shit in a 3-hour block at a rehearsal studio on a set day. The downside to this philosophy is that your chops are not as sharp, and it becomes easy to be complacent and lazy. To that, I say no more.
I got a copy of Toontrack's Superior Drummer program, and it has re-lit the fire under our asses. Well, that and a string of personal bullshit that has since been laid to rest. I have been slowly sharpening my MIDI skills, and programming up a storm. You can hear the newest track on our sounds page. It still has yet to be mixed, and there will be adjustments along the way, but overall, it's a good starting point. My hope is to post the songs as they progress, sort of like an experiment in the evolution of our tracks.
I will be posting a gear list and everything like that here, so if interested, please subscribe. Until then....
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